A Comprehensive Guide on How to Be a Prepper: Start Your Survival Journey! 2023

Are you ready to take control of your own safety and well-being? Being a prepper is more than just a hobby; it’s a proactive lifestyle that prepares you for emergencies and disasters. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start prepping or someone who wants to strengthen their existing skills, this comprehensive guide is here to help. In this article, I will provide you with valuable insights on how to be a prepper, prepping for beginners, and the essential prepper checklist items you need to know.

Prepping for beginners involves understanding the basics and building a solid foundation. You need to stock up on essential everyday items that will sustain you during emergencies. These items, often referred to as prepper essentials, include water reserves, emergency food, first aid kits, hygiene products, and sanitation supplies. By having these essentials on hand, you can begin your journey towards self-sufficiency and disaster preparedness.

Stay tuned for the rest of this guide, where we will dive into topics like stockpiling supplies, first aid and hygiene, getting your home ready, essential survival skills, and joining the prepper community. By following the comprehensive advice provided here, you will be well-equipped to handle any situation that comes your way. Let’s begin your survival journey together!

Understanding the Basics: How to Prep a Solid Foundation

Before diving into the specific aspects of prepping, it is important to establish a solid foundation. This includes stocking up on essential everyday items such as water reserves, emergency food, first aid kits, hygiene products, and sanitation supplies.

These items, also known as evergreen products, form the basis of a beginner prepper’s checklist. By starting with these essentials, you can lay the groundwork for a well-prepared and self-reliant lifestyle.

When it comes to prepping for beginners, having a reliable set of evergreen products is crucial. These items are considered timeless because they are always in demand, regardless of the specific disaster or emergency you may face.

Water reserves should be prioritized, as clean drinking water is vital for survival. Store enough water to sustain yourself and your family for at least two weeks. Emergency food is another essential. Choose non-perishable items with long shelf lives, such as canned goods and dried goods, to ensure you have an adequate food supply.

Additionally, equip yourself with a comprehensive first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic wipes, over-the-counter medications, and other necessary medical supplies. Hygiene products, such as toothpaste, soap, and toilet paper, are also crucial for maintaining cleanliness and preventing the spread of germs.

By having these evergreen products in your prepper checklist, you can confidently build a solid foundation for your preparedness journey.

Stockpiling Supplies: Food and Water Prepping

In times of emergencies and disasters, having an ample supply of food and water is crucial for survival. As a prepper, it’s essential to stockpile emergency food and ensure a reliable water storage system. By doing so, you can increase your chances of self-sufficiency and endurance during challenging times.

Emergency Food: A Lifeline in Crisis

Having a well-stocked pantry of emergency food is a cornerstone of prepping. Freeze-dried and dehydrated options are popular choices due to their long shelf life and lightweight nature. It is recommended for beginners to start with at least a two-week supply of emergency food. More experienced preppers may aim for a stockpile that can sustain them for 6 to 24 months.

Emergency food should be nutritionally balanced and provide sufficient caloric intake for physical exertion during emergencies. When building your supply, consider dietary restrictions, personal preferences, and the needs of your family members. Rotate your stock regularly to maintain freshness and check expiration dates to ensure you are always prepared.

Water Storage: A Vital Resource

Water is the most critical resource for survival. It is recommended to have a minimum of two weeks’ worth of water stored per person in your household. This includes both drinking water and water for hygiene purposes. To maximize your water supply, consider collecting rainwater, purifying water from natural sources, and investing in water purification systems.

Remember to store water in food-grade containers, such as BPA-free plastic or glass, in a cool and dark location to prevent bacterial growth. Regularly inspect and treat your water storage containers to ensure they remain clean and free from contaminants. Having a reliable water storage system is essential, as access to clean water may be limited during emergencies.

By stockpiling emergency food and establishing a reliable water storage system, you can enhance your preparedness as a prepper. These essential supplies will provide you with the sustenance and hydration needed to weather through challenging times. Remember to regularly review and update your stockpile to maintain optimum levels of readiness.

First Aid and Hygiene: Essential Prepping Survival Skills

When it comes to being prepared for emergencies, having the right first aid supplies and hygiene products is crucial. In times of crisis, access to medical care may be limited, making it essential to have a well-stocked first aid kit. This kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, antibiotic ointment, and other necessary medical supplies.

Hygiene and sanitation are equally important for maintaining personal health and preventing the spread of germs during emergencies. Alongside your first aid kit, it is essential to have hygiene products such as hand sanitizers and wet wipes. These products can help you maintain cleanliness and reduce the risk of infections when regular access to water and sanitation facilities may be compromised.

In addition to having the right supplies, it’s crucial to have the knowledge and skills to use them effectively. Taking a basic first aid course and learning how to perform CPR can make a significant difference in emergency situations. By equipping yourself with the necessary first aid supplies and hygiene products and acquiring the skills to use them, you can enhance your preparedness and become better equipped to handle any situation that may arise.

Proper Disposal of Waste

During emergencies, proper sanitation practices are essential to prevent the spread of disease. It’s important to have a plan for the proper disposal of waste, including human waste, in situations where normal sewage systems may be disrupted. Portable toilets, waste bags, and disinfectants can be valuable tools in maintaining sanitation. Additionally, having a supply of garbage bags and a designated area for waste disposal can help keep your environment clean and prevent the spread of germs.

Remember, in times of crisis, access to medical care and sanitation facilities may be limited. By having the right first aid supplies, hygiene products, and knowledge of proper sanitation practices, you can ensure the well-being of yourself and your loved ones in emergency situations. Taking the time to prepare now can make all the difference in your ability to stay healthy and safe when it matters most.

Getting Your Home Ready: Prepping for Sheltering in Place

When it comes to prepping for emergencies, getting your home ready is a crucial step. By taking the time to prepare your living space, you can ensure that you have everything you need to shelter in place during a crisis. This section will cover essential tips and strategies for home preparedness, including the importance of bug out bags and emergency kits.

Bug Out Bags: Your Grab-and-Go Essentials

A bug out bag is a portable emergency kit that contains essential items you may need to grab quickly in the event of an evacuation. It’s important to have a well-stocked bug out bag for each member of your household. These bags should include basic survival supplies such as food, water, a first aid kit, a flashlight, extra clothing, and important documents. Keep your bug out bags in a readily accessible location, ensuring that they are lightweight and easy to carry.

Emergency Kits: Meeting Essential Needs

In addition to bug out bags, having emergency kits in your home is vital for meeting your essential needs during an emergency. These kits should include a sufficient supply of food, water, medications, batteries, and other necessary items. Consider the specific needs of your household, including any infants, elderly family members, or pets, and ensure that your emergency kits are tailored to meet those needs. Regularly check and update your kits to ensure that the supplies are not expired and are ready for use.

By taking proactive steps to prepare your home for emergencies, you can greatly increase your chances of staying safe and self-reliant. Remember to regularly review and update your plans and supplies, as well as practice emergency drills with your family. With a well-prepared home and the right supplies, you can face unexpected situations with confidence and peace of mind.

Essential Survival Skills: Learning and Practicing with Your Gear

When it comes to being a prepper, having the right gear is only half the battle. To truly maximize your chances of survival, it is essential to develop and practice core survival skills. These skills can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. So, let’s explore some prepping tips and techniques to help you hone your survival skills and become more self-reliant.

Mastering Firecraft

Starting a fire is a fundamental survival skill that can provide warmth, cook food, and signal for help. It is crucial to learn different fire starting methods, such as using a lighter, matches, or even primitive techniques like friction fire. Practice starting fires in various conditions, such as in wet or windy weather, to ensure you can handle any situation that arises.

Navigation and Orienteering

In a disaster scenario, knowing how to navigate without relying on GPS or technology is vital. Learning how to use a compass and read maps will enable you to find your bearings and reach safety. Practice orienteering by going on hikes or participating in navigation exercises to improve your skills and confidence.

Basic First Aid and Medical Skills

In emergencies, medical resources may be scarce, making it essential to have basic first aid skills. Learn how to clean and dress wounds, perform CPR, and stabilize fractures. Hone your skills by taking first aid courses and regularly practicing these techniques on mannequins or with a training partner.

By dedicating time to learning and practicing these core survival skills, you will become better equipped to handle unforeseen circumstances. Remember, knowledge is power, and your preparedness can make a significant difference when it matters most.

Joining the Prepper Community: Sharing and Learning Beyond the Basics

Being part of a prepper community is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their self-sufficiency and disaster preparedness. The prepper community provides a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share knowledge, and learn from one another’s experiences. Whether through local groups, online forums, or social media communities, joining the prepper community opens up a world of opportunities to expand your skills and deepen your understanding of emergency preparedness.

By connecting with fellow preppers, I have discovered a wealth of information and practical tips that I wouldn’t have found elsewhere. From learning about alternative energy sources to discovering innovative ways to store food and water, the prepper community has broadened my horizons and helped me challenge conventional thinking. We discuss everything from long-term survival strategies to the best gear and equipment for different scenarios. It’s a place where I can ask questions, seek advice, and share my own insights, all while building meaningful connections and friendships.

Expanding my network of like-minded individuals

One of the greatest benefits of joining the prepper community is the opportunity to expand my network of like-minded individuals. We come from various backgrounds and have different levels of experience, but we all share a common goal: to be prepared for anything that comes our way. Through local meetups, I have formed friendships with people who live nearby and can provide support and assistance during emergencies. We organize training sessions, practical workshops, and even group drills to test our skills and improve our preparedness.

Additionally, online forums and social media groups allow me to connect with preppers from all over the country and even around the world. These virtual communities provide a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing resources, and staying updated on the latest developments in the prepper world. I can ask questions, engage in discussions, and learn from individuals who have faced different challenges and overcome unique obstacles. It’s a continuous learning process that keeps me motivated and inspired on my prepping journey.

prepper community

Joining the prepper community has been instrumental in my quest for self-sufficiency and disaster preparedness. By connecting with fellow preppers, I have gained invaluable knowledge, expanded my network, and found a sense of belonging in a community of like-minded individuals. Together, we continue to learn, share, and grow, ensuring that we are as prepared as possible for whatever may come our way.


In conclusion, being a prepper is about taking proactive steps to be self-reliant and prepared for emergencies and disasters. By following the prepper checklist, stockpiling essential supplies, mastering survival skills, and joining the prepper community, you can enhance your chances of survival and minimize the impact of potential disruptions.

Remember, prepping is a journey that requires continuous learning and adaptation. Start your survival journey today and build a future where you are better equipped to handle any situation. By learning how to be a prepper and embracing an emergency preparedness guide, you can develop the necessary survival skills to become self-sufficient in times of crisis.

With these foundational principles, you will be well on your way to creating a lifestyle that prioritizes preparedness and resilience. By incorporating prepping into your everyday life, you can navigate challenging situations with confidence and peace of mind. Take the first step towards preparedness today and empower yourself to face whatever comes your way.


What is prepping?

Prepping, short for preparedness, is a lifestyle that involves taking steps to be self-reliant and prepared for emergencies and disasters.

What are the essential items to include in a beginner prepper’s checklist?

Essential items for a beginner prepper’s checklist include water reserves, emergency food, first aid kits, hygiene products, and sanitation supplies.

How much emergency food and water should I stockpile?

It is recommended to start with at least two weeks’ worth of emergency food and a minimum of two weeks’ supply of water.

What should be included in a well-stocked first aid kit?

A well-stocked first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, antibiotic ointment, and other necessary medical supplies.

How can I prepare my home for sheltering in place during an emergency?

Preparing your home for sheltering in place involves creating a bug out bag list for quick evacuation and having emergency kits and supplies that cover essential needs while at home.

What are some essential survival skills for preppers?

Essential survival skills for preppers include starting a fire, purifying water, navigating with a compass, and performing basic first aid.

Why is it important to join a prepper community?

Being part of a prepper community provides valuable support, knowledge sharing, and a sense of belonging, which can enhance your preparedness efforts and overall self-sufficiency.

What is the goal of prepping?

The goal of prepping is to be self-reliant and prepared for emergencies and disasters, reducing the impact of potential disruptions and increasing your chances of survival.

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